
Scribblings of a lazy blogger.......

Saturday, March 04, 2006

What programming does to you!!!

There were times when life was not complicated at all. I used to live life free of any worries. Exceptions were automatically handled at run-time. Waking up early had always been a problem. The sleeping thread in me will always experience a delay. But still there was this trigger from my sister which used to wake me up and i would start running. Never have i calculated the time to reach the station to go to college. I was there always there on time and catch the same train everyday. Ofcourse there were few exceptions that were properly handled in the later part of my journey when I had to take the bus to reach college on time.

College was no problems. The expected 8 hour ordeal with god-sent breaks in between. Walking to the canteen with 15Rs in the pocket never made us worry. even if there is no money there was this parallel thread running along with me Rajesh, my friend who always had the buffer to provide me the extra money i wanted. Nowadays I keep doing these frequent visits to the ATM to draw money, the three digit figure that i draw dwindling the minute i leave the place.

There were no qualms about availability of food. it is not now too. But there is always this initialising of the order to the waiter and the availability of resources to make the dish i request for. Gone are those days when my mom used to prepare meals and there was never this null pointer exception thrown.

My dad always used to say that i dont stay at home and he is not able to talk to me properly. But now I am the one waiting for the connectivity to the database of emotions(MY DAD!!!!!!!). Even he is getting held up with his own work. There is just not enough space in the bufferpool I think. So what do I do??? I ping him every now and then and then he responds after a delay.

There is used to be days when I had to answer my sister and how much I used to dread those moments. But now she is my garbage collector and that she does so perfectly fine that my mood gets refershed once i finish talking to her.

One and a half years into the software industry all I do is now exception handling and troubleshooting. I have to plan my resources and keep putting these try catches before every action i do so that there is no exception.

I have forgotten English. I have learnt JAVA (Just Another Vague Acronym).


~SuCh~ said...

and u say that i keep names in a lang no one understands!! Not fair!

MetalHead said...

hmmm... now dat was a technical blog... too much of technicality in it... Can u pls translate it into MS(More Sound) Technologies ;-)

Raj said...

Whatever happened to Raghu the mechanical engineer...sigh...What programming does to people...

Anonymous said...

wow!mr.mech engg.. dis transformation makes me to urge to start using the oxford eng dic to talk sane...