
Scribblings of a lazy blogger.......

Friday, August 04, 2006

Whoever said Love is blind, was Blind.......

I have and I think many of you would have, noticed ill-matched pairs and would have said love is blind. By the phrase "ill-matched" pair I mean, a beautiful girl and a not so great looking guy (for guys) and the vice-versa for girls. You would have wondered, "If this girl/guy can get a pair why can't I??". I don't know how many of you had had this feeling, but I surely have had. I have seen such pairs and have passed my expert comments about the match they make.

The other day I was getting down from the train and I noticed a pair sitting on the stone bench holding hands and smiling. I couldn't help myself from giving them a longer-than-usual glance. There soemthing unusual about the pair. They were holding hands and were smiling and talking. They both were also visually impaired too. I have heard people talk about chemistry, but there I saw. There was an unusual bondage between them. They don't know how the other person looks like. They don't know whether the other person has dark skin, long nose or big eyes. They don't know how beautifully the other person was smiling. They didn't know how the other person glowed in his/her presence. But still there was this strong bonding between them which left me spell bound. Do they ever think about all this I wonder?? We with the 2 beautiful eyes look at other people and pass our so-called "expert comments".

Looking at the visually impaired couple, my perspective towards "ill matched" couples has changed. It is always not so corporeal. Does it really matter to know what the other person looks like??? I was compelled to draw the following comparison after the eye-opening experience .I dont know how many would agree, nevertheless.......

When a pregnant lady, after the nine month ordeal, when she delivers the baby would have a feeling "The wait was really worth it". She would be thinking it is one of the most beautiful babies ever delivered in that hospital, with the nurse agreeing to it as she always does. If you look at the baby, you would find it to be a bag bones, covered with body fluids, screaming at the top of its voice and looking not-so- attractive. You look at the mother's eyes. You see love. Transpiring between 2 souls not realising what they see physically. Whoever said love is blind, was Blind.........